My latest in the Pierre Capital Journal. A taste:
Look at the fundraising letters. Those “big government liberals” are in the process of destroying the Constitution. The “extremist conservatives” are declaring “war on women.” In Congress our legislators preen in front of cameras and give campaign speeches instead of policy speeches. It’s all song and dance.
Campaign finance rules force candidates on their own to raise the millions needed to run for big time offices. Because of tight restrictions on how candidates can raise money, they work hard raising the money. In the words of the Crosby and Astaire song, they have to sing for their supper and dance for their meals. That’s what raises the dough.
And here is the song referenced in the headline.
"Because of tight restrictions on how candidates can raise money, they work hard raising the money."
The restrictions are hardly "tight." Special interests have been able to carve out so many loopholes and ways around whatever "tight" restriction there may have been at one time. The reason for the song and dance is that the special interests require the song and dance. Get special interest money out and no one is gonna dance.
Posted by: Donald Pay | Saturday, March 23, 2013 at 10:11 AM