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Thursday, October 04, 2012


Bill Fleming

Every dog has his day. This was Mitt's. His etch a sketch moment. Saying he won is perhaps euphemistic. He dominated. Alpha male style. Awesome perhaps but not particularly inspiring.

Donald Pay

It wasn't even close--Obama won. If you count lies and obfuscation, yeah, Romney definitely won. But saying you will kill Big Bird, and then being a smarmy, insincere buffoon about it isn't winning. The liberal MSNBC panel thought Romney won, too, because they wanted Obama to counter Romney's lies and put that lying buffoon in his place. I wouldn't read too much into the instant polls. Romney's grimace is about to become the fodder of SNL. He's toast.

larry kurtz

RT @RasmussenPoll: National Daily Tracking: #Obama: 49%, #Romney: 47%...


Ken Blanchard

Bill: saying he won is saying what is obvious now to everyone but Donald. The liberal side of the MSM almost universally recognized this as a defeat for the President. Chris Matthews and Andrew Sullivan were wailing and gnashing their teeth. That's not just what losing looks like, that's what losing is.

I don't think the President did as a bad as nearly everyone else seems to think, but the only way you could deny that he lost is to do what Donald does: ignore all the evidence and sputter.

Bill Fleming

The worst part was the way it looked on TV. It was as if Obama were being scolded — eyes down, not looking at the speaker, takin' a whippin'. Romney even compared him to his 5 sons, (who aparantly are all pathological liars). So yes, Obama appeared to lose, stylistically.

So did Gandhi. And Jesus.

Some are calling it rope a dope.

Maybe it was more like "give him enough rope..."

In substance, he got Romney to endorse regulation, admit that ACA is a good health care model, agree not to cut taxes on the wealthy, endose Medicare, admit that vouchers may not work for everybody, admit he was going to give Big Bird and the Arts a pink slip, etc, etc, etc.

So much footage for new commercials.

Plus, it's good to remember, continuing the prize fight metaphor, that it's just the end of round One.

Donald Pay

Bill has it right. Essentially, Mitt handed Obama the election. Romney came across as the arrogant CEO. The Big Bird thing was especially telling. It's the exact same way Romney, as Bain Capitalist, went about outsourcing jobs and the devastating middle class. There was never anything personal ("I like Big Bird, but....") about wrecking the lives of the people whose jobs he outsourced. "Have a great life, Big Bird, because we're giving your job to Hoshi, the Panda."

Ken Blanchard

So Obama is Jesus! Sorry, folks. Bill has gone bye bye. While we wait for his buss to get back from Fantasy Land, I would remind him that Jesus' strategy may have worked out well in the long run but was not so convenient in the short run. What do you suppose the political equivalent of crucifixion might be?

Bill Fleming

"What do you suppose the political equivalent of crucifixion might be?"

Having people hound you about your birth certificate?

Bill Fleming

"What do you suppose the political equivalent of crucifixion might be?"

Bailing out the banks and then having them turn on him?

Cleaning up the GOP economic and foreign policy outhouse, then having them blame him for causing it?

GOP filibusters?

Citizens United?

...just spitballing here, KB. I can keep going if you like.


"What do you suppose the political equivalent of crucifixion might be?"
Accuse you of killing a woman?
I could keep going too.

Stan Gibilisco


Not sure the rope-a-dope analogy would apply here. In a sense this debate was "round one," but individual debates are far more self-contained, semantically, than rounds in a prize fight.

I don't think Obama would employ a rope-a-dope strategy by holding back for an entire debate. The first 90 percent, maybe, and then pouncing with a fantastic one-liner near the end ... that would be rope-a-dope!

Noooo ... Methinks maybe Obama had a bad bowl of broccoli or something, and simply did not have his usual edge. Look for better performances from him in the coming debates.

Stan Gibilisco

"What do you suppose the political equivalent of crucifixion might be?"

The sort of thing that almost happened to Bill Clinton.

Ken Blanchard

You guys are a laugh. If crucifixion means anything as a metaphor in politics, it means losing because you spoke the truth. "Having people hound you about your birth certificate?" Talk to one of the other guys hanging next to Christ and see if it makes sense to them.

The idea that Obama intentionally lost the debate is ludicrous. He has assiduously avoided any situation where he might be challenged. He thought that preparing for the debate was boring. The press has always protected him in the past. It must have come as a shock when everyone could suddenly see him for way he was.


An Iowan who listened to Obama during the Iowa caucuses during the last election called him an empty suit (she wanted Hillary). It seems now that even his suit has disappeared, and he's just an empty chair!!

Bill Fleming

It's just a metaphor, KB.

Bill Fleming

Got any more spears you want to stick him with?

Bill Fleming

Another metaphor:

Stan Gibilisco

I was kidding about Clinton, of course. So I'm glad somebody got a laugh there.

It seems to me that Obama has a certain (quite large) portion of the electorate locked in, and even the second coming of our Lord could not change their minds.

Romney, in contrast, has less firm support, even among most Republicans, although in the end, I think most Republicans will go his way because they detest him less than they detest Obama.

It comes down, then, to the independents. The independents, like me.

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