Two polls show Romney up by four points. The PPP poll for the Daily Kos is the most surprising, showing Romney with 50% and Obama with 46%. That smooths out a really big Sunday lead for Romney over three days. The caveat here is that Kos reports the internals as 44% conservative and 16% liberal. Conservatives outnumber liberals by about 2 to 1 in the US, but not three to one.
However, Gallup shows the same 50/46% advantage for Romney in its seven day average of likely voters.
If lying is a sin then Mitt Romney’s Magic Mormon Underpants are on FIRE! How can any intelligent American vote for a man clouded in secrecy who habitually bends the truth? Income inequality is endangering the Middle Class and making paupers of us all who don’t have those millions upon millions of dollars. Read more about the role of Romney’s riches in this election and the power of his sacred undergarments at The working class of our country can’t AFFORD to allow this election to be bought and sold!
Posted by: Brandt Hardin | Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 02:51 PM