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Thursday, October 11, 2012


Donald Pay

So, let's understand: Republicans thought Obama being polite indicated he wasn't up for the job of President, yet Biden bringing the heat was annoying. Uh, right. I'll just say most of what is going to be reported about this debate is spin with the lamestream media wanting a close race so they can extract more money out of the superrich people who fund both campaigns.

I actually prefer the cool demeanor of Obama and think he won that debate on substance and forthrightness and demeanor. And, although I was annoyed by Biden's theatrics, it was nice to see that little twit Ryan get called on his lies.

Jon S.

Donald, Joe Biden said he didn't vote for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. But he voted for both. Is that a lie? Or did he just forget how he voted on war?

larry kurtz

As usual, the GOP only likes it when the black guy is covered in blood. Biden looked like a cougar playing with a field mouse.

Donald Pay


Biden's debate comment referred to putting the wars off budget. You seem to be getting your talking points from the headlines of the Weekly Standard or Breitbart, but you aren't reading the transcript which states:

"“By the way, they talk about this great recession like it fell out of the sky–like, ‘Oh my goodness, where did it come from?’” Biden said. “It came from this man voting to put two wars on a credit card, at the same time, put a prescription drug plan on the credit card, a trillion dollar tax cut for the very wealthy.”

“I was there, I voted against them,” Biden continued. “I said, no, we can’t afford that.”

There was no lie, though it was inartfully articulated.

Jon S.


I think you are right, although he certainly gave the impression that we was against the wars. I see that he was talking about the credit card, not the actual wars. It was badly put. It is worth noting, though, that the entire stimulus bill was put "on the credit card." Forty cents of every dollar appropriated has been on the credit card with no plan to get annual deficits below $900 billion a year. It's tough to take this administration seriously on deficit cutting.

Jon S.

I've been thinking of that "I voted against them" comment. What did he mean? Is there some appropriation for the Iraq war that he voted against? I assume so.

BTW, here is a list of Senate Democrats who voted FOR the prescription drug bill: Baucus, Breaux, Carper,Conrad, Dorgan, Feinstein, Jeffords (sort of Democrat), LAndrieu, Lincoln, Miller, Nelson (NE), and Wyden. Yes, Biden was a No.

Jon S.

Also, the argument about the prescription drug bill was not over whether we should have one or whether it "bust the budget" but over how price would be controlled. Would it be by competition (the Republican view) or by the government directly negotiating price (Democrat view).

Donald Pay

I hate to break it to you, Jon, but it is really not about competition between the Part D plans if the goal is lower costs to the government. It is about which negotiators can get the best deal. Both entities, government and insurance companies negotiate price with the drug companies.

The insurance companies are negotiating with the drug companies for price, but each insurance company comes to the drug companies with a far smaller pool than a government negotiator would. If market forces work, volume pricing would indicate a single government plan with higher volume would out negotiate a private plan with smaller volume.

Now if you you look at it from an individual's level, you may be able to decrease YOUR cost by getting into a plan that has negotiated lower prices for the specific drugs you consume right now. You are taking a risk, however, of being hit by much higher prices on drugs you don't use right now, but may have to use in the future. In that case the government has to pay the higher price, and you may have to pay higher co-pays. The government takes most of the risk, however, up until the donut hole. Thus, if a person makes a wrong decision about his drug plan, the cost to government increases.

I'm not sure if you've had to deal with Subpart D. There definitely is a lot of competition, but it is very complicated, and most seniors need help figuring out which plan is best for them. And it hasn't really done much to reduce the cost of prescription drugs.

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