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Saturday, October 13, 2012


Donald Pay

Sure. What about the embassy security problems during the Bush Administration? What about 9-11, you know, the 3,000+ deaths that Bush-Cheney allowed? I haven't noticed any concern about the deaths that occurred at embassy raids or terrorists attacks during Republican Administrations. So, I ask: should we investigate the far more serious lapses in security during the Bush years?

Jon S

Shorter Donald: "I know you are but what am I?"

Donald, are you under the impression that the planning for 9-11 started only on 1-20-2001? Did not Al Qaeda attack the USS Cole in the Clinton administration? Did Clinton not have opportunity to kill Bin Laden and refused (not entirely unreasonably, in my view)? Was not the barrier between the FBI and CIA that made coordination on terrorism harder put into place by Jami Gorlick in the Clinton administration? My point is not to blame Clinton. If I am to blame someone, it will be Al Qaeda. But Donald must sit around naked each morning waiting for the memo from the DNC telling him what clothes to wear.

Donald Pay

Uh, the Republicans are the ones playing childish games here.

Romney threatening Big Bird on national TV during a presidential debate is the very definition of childish. Romeny's solution to our debt and deficit problems is canning Big Bird and giving the rich a huge tax cut. That's going to solve our debt and deficit problems, isn't it?

But we shouldn't be so surprised Romney pulled out his Etch-A-Sketch and redrew what Republicans have been doing that since the 1980s. It's become a sick joke--Republicans playing Oscar the Grouch in order to appeal to the idiot white right.

It must be so humiliating for you, but then so is pretending this latest Al Qaeda attack is a huge disaster. It's serious, but stack it up against Republican foreign policy follies, where thousands were slaughtered, and it's nothing. I guess you have a long memory when it comes to threatening Big Bird, but are a bunch of dementia patients when it comes to dealing with the far greater problems that the Bush administration got us into: allowing the 9-11 attacks and lying us into a war in Iraq for no reason. Let's investigate those disasters, and while we're at it, we can put some of Romney's foreign policy advisors on the witness list, since most of them are from the Bush Administration.

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