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Monday, October 29, 2012


Julie Gross (NE)

"Trying to protect him from it is another kind of racism"


But I would argue the following: Voting FOR a person [primarily] because of his race is just as racist as voting AGAINST a person for the same reason.

Yet, few have discussed the racism of the 2008 election.

Donald Pay

Yet neither you nor anyone in the Republican Party has the moral or political courage to condemn the vicious racism that clings, like KKK robes to the skin on a hot summer night of cross burning, to the efforts of Republican partisans. I think Sullivan is wrong. There is about as much racism in the Republican Party in the Midwest as there is in the Old South. Anyone who lived through the 1970s in South Dakota can be unmindful of the affect of appeals to racism in the political arena.

Julie Gross (NE)

"Yet neither you nor anyone in the Republican Party has the moral or political courage to condemn the vicious racism that clings, like KKK robes to the skin on a hot summer night of cross burning, to the efforts of Republican partisans. "

Racism was & is the institutional domain of the Democrat party. They have yet to acknowledge that sad history or to move beyond it.

There is no racism clinging to Rep. robes. The robes of Rep. were the shielding fabric of righteousness as they led the fight against the KKK and other democrat institutions, and Democrats like Wilson and LBJ. For example, it was DEMOCRAT Geo. McGovern who voted present in 1960 when the Reps. were trying to pass the 1960 civil rights act. Only when blacks began voting for Reps in larger numbers because of Rep. efforts to protect and enforce the right to vote did racist Dems fighting the "negro vote" become racist Dems kowtowing for the "negro vote." In 1964, LBJ and his Dem klansmen blocked the seating and recognition of a delegation of blacks Dems RIGHTFULLY elected from MS as Dem convention delegates. It was DESPICABLE.

This fallacy about racism and Rep. has been proven false time & time again and put to rest years ago. Get with the program.

larry kurtz

The same racist earth haters running the Noem campaign are being exposed in Montana: now, they have turned their sights toward Nate Silver.

Ken Blanchard

Julie: thanks for the comments. I disagree slightly about your first point. When Irish-American voters supported the Kennedy's, it was in large part because they were one of us. Voting for someone because of a shared identity (even if that is your primary reason for the support) does not imply that others are inferior or bad.

Only if the shared racial identity is the sole reason for support does that amount to racism. African Americans will not support a Black Republican against an established White Democrat, so I think that the charge cannot be made.

Julie Gross (NE)

"Shared identity" is a euphemism for racism and bigotry.

Legitimate political support MUST be based on shared issues and values, not shared identity. We will never advance beyond tribalism while tied to a shared identity--and tribalism includes race, gender, and other immutable characteristics. I acknowledge religion contributes to tribalism; while not immutable, it's increasingly irrelevant. Placing a higher value on race or sex
above the issues DEFEATS the purpose of an [political] election.

Now, if one wishes to vote based on "shared indentity", he is certainly entitled to do so, but let's be up front about the reason and let's be up front about how such tribalism does not to bring us together as a nation. In fact, it impedes the on-going formation of a national identity.

So yes, voting based on a "shared identity" instead of shared issues/values is bad. Voting based on tribalism is less legitimate than voting for common issues that contribute to nation building.

larry kurtz

Control the federal bench, Dems. Statehood for the tribes, Mexico, and Quebec.

larry kurtz

Having Julie here to grease Ken's zerk is so naughty and incestuous after just having intimate relations with Pat Powers: bet it makes you feel powerful, eh, tart?

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