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Friday, September 07, 2012


Donald Pay

You watched the convention with your goofy glasses on, or decided to simply echo your masters in the righty news. The press, which cares nothing about covering any issue in depth, is not where you should go for any description of Obama's or Romney's direction. Quoting the press gives you exactly zero credibility. It's the same elite crowd talking down about middle-class America. It and you have become utterly predictable, irrelevant and anti-American.

Meanwhile the American public, especially in swing states, are moving in Obama's direction. They seem to be looking at the race differently than the pundit class. For one, we aren't anti-American and anti-worker and anti-middle class. We see there has been some progress in the face of massive Republican treachery. We understand that issues are complicated, given a thirty year history of being on the wrong track. We know all our problems can't be solved in one speech, or one year, or one term. It would be nice if the Republicans grew up.

larry kurtz

News so nice I'll post it twice:

Still waiting for an RNC bounce? GOP tool, Rasmussen: Obama up by two.


joe arrigo

"My plan will continue to reduce the carbon pollution that is heating our planet," Mr. Obama said. What plan would that be?..."

That comment is disingenuous. He's been promoting and investing into alternative and clean energies for three and half years...where have you been?

His next four years will build on the many accomplishments of the first four; too numerous to list here. And yes, I will vote for him.

Donald Pay

If you wanted to get simple-minded enough so that everyone, even KB, can understand, the Democrats held up signs that read "Forward. Not Back." As much as progress has been painfully slow due not only to the depth of the Republican recession and their catastrophic foreign policy, but due to actually economic sabotage practiced by the Republicans in Congress, it beats returning to the Romney-Ryan prescription, the same bunch of policies that exploded the deficit and which largely caused the Great Recession. Obama has pointed a path to a better economy and a better foreign policy, one without multiple Republican wars.


Not sure who said it first but it is so true...

If you vote against Obama because he can't get stuff done, it's kinda like saying, "this guy can't cure cancer. I'm gonna vote for cancer."

And that makes sense, right?



The Washington Post reported, “Hoping to blunt any momentum his rival has picked up in Florida since the GOP convention, Obama opened his bus trip in the Interstate 4 corridor, which cuts through the center of the the state from the Gulf Coast to the Atlantic, with a rally for 11,000 in St. Petersburg, not far from Tampa. Obama’s 30-minute speech closely tracked his nomination acceptance speech Thursday in Charlotte.”

11,000... Not bad...

The Virginian-Pilot had this to say about attendance at Mitt Romney’s rally, “He spoke to several hundred people who had gathered hours earlier in an aircraft hangar to hear the Republican presidential nominee.”

Several hundred(?)... Romney noted it must be a "neighborhood event"...


Dave, if I were suffering from cancer and the doctor I was going to was unable to offer the treatments I needed to cure it, you can damn well bet I would look for a different doctor. This would not be a vote for cancer, it would be a vote for a doctor who I believe is more competent.
""My plan will continue to reduce the carbon pollution that is heating our planet,"" um, I believe carbon pollution has decreased in spite of Obama. This is in part due to a bad economy, but also use of natural gas has changed the dynamics. In other words, the market has done this, not all of that "green" energy that has done nil.

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