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Friday, July 13, 2012



Almost as many times as John Boehner and Kristi Noem have taken up House floor time to tell us we should repeal the Affordable Care Act without taking time to craft practical policy action.

Jon S.

Cory, don't say there is no plan just because you don't like it: http://www.gop.gov/indepth/pledge/healthcare

Or how about this bi-partian attempt at Medicare reform:

Also, your arugment is both a non sequitor and a tacit admission that there is something to the Romney complaint.

larry kurtz

You clearly worked very hard on this post, Prof. Schaff: did you write it while in black face?

Jon S.


I am confused by your post. Would you please explain in great detail?

Stan Gibilisco

As my curiosity about this expression mounted, I finally yielded to the temptation to check out the expression "black face" at the Urban Dictionary Web site.


Thank God I'm a country boy.

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