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Wednesday, June 13, 2012


larry kurtz

UK's America watchers horrified as GOP earth haters destroy US, global economy:


larry kurtz

President Obama: want to get young people to the polls again? End the drug war on youth and non-whites:


larry kurtz

Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece: begin a cannabis economy now:


Bill Fleming

A couple of tea leaves from some other shamans:
(Obama is polling about the same as GWB was at this point in his first term.)
Your buddy Nate Silver has his tea leaves up on line and has Obama pegged at a 70% chance of winning if the election were held today. Key states look like Virginia, Ohio and Colorado. Romney's chance of winning the popular vote is in the 30%-38% range from now to November.

Keep your powder dry, professor.

Jon S.

I am with Bill, although he cherry picks from Silver. IF the election were held today, Obama wins 70% in his model. But the election is not today, it is in November. Silver's model has Obama winning "just" 60% of the time in November. That's about how I see it. Obama 60% chance of winning, Romeny 40%. The Shaman has been smoking something.


It really does not matter what a poll says today. Reuters has it at a 1% horse race. However, the sample is somewhat skewed towards President Obama. Rasmussen has Romney at about a 4% advantage. He has been a little more accurate in past elections. The important thing to look at is the trends. At this time President Obama is trending down and Romney is trending up. President Obama cannot get above the 50% mark. Most objective observers say that the undecideds go to the challenger and away from the challenger. I do not believe President Obama has any real advantage at this time. Spin all you want, but he is trending down. Short of a war or a sudden economic uptick, he is in real trouble.

Ken Blanchard

Here is what Silver himself had to say: "The first look at the 2012 FiveThirtyEight presidential forecast has Barack Obama as a very slight favorite to win re-election. But his advantage equates to only a two-point lead in the national popular vote, and the edge could easily swing to Mitt Romney on the basis of further bad economic news." In other words, Silver barely gives the President 50%, which is more than he is getting in almost any polls.

silver is a forecaster. A forty percent chance of rain on Obama's parade... Cost a meteorologist. He tries to understand the forces behind the numbers. I just think his case is a strong one.

Meanwhile Rasmussen has Romney pulling into the lead in Wisconsin.

larry kurtz

testiculating: one, dos, drei....

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