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Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Donald Pay

Most of the dumb project are pushed by business/real estate/financial interests, who generally own local governments. I was involved for years fighting Rapid City's 2012 slush fund, which build a lot of unnecessary projects there at the behest of the city business elites. Sure, they're nice, but not really needed. Same thing happens all over the state. You want to end this you had better get rid of the Republicans, because they're the ones pushing it.

Ken Blanchard

Right, Donald. Democrats are the fiscally responsible people. The things you believe.


If Democrats are not fiscally responsible, at least compared to Republicans, why have the biggest run-ups in the deficit and the two biggest economic downturns occurred under Republican presidents?

Jon S.

A.I., the biggest run up in the debt/deficits has been in the last four years. This fact is not exculpatory for Republicans, but doesn't look good for Democrats, either.

Donald Pay

Uh, no. The most of the debt/deficits of the last four years came about because of the Bush tax cuts, the Republican recession, and the Republican Iraq war.

Jon S.

Donald, did Obama repeal those tax cuts, or did he actually sign law extending them?

Ken Blanchard

A.I.: Obama has added more to the debt in this first term than Bush did in eight years. http://southdakotapolitics.blogs.com/south_dakota_politics/2012/03/presidents-deficits-compared.html. More importantly, he proposes budgets that show the deficits reaching for infinity. The Democratic Senate has proposed no budget in the last three years. I rest my case.

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