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Saturday, April 21, 2012


Mark Anderson

It seems to me that since the 6 Walton heirs have more wealth than the bottom 30% of Americans, and that 400 Americans have more wealth than the bottom half or 150,000,000 Americans, some kind of transfer of wealth that Jefferson was in favor of could help the country. It depends if you want a meritocracy or an aristocracy.
The Republican idea of turning an "estate tax", into a "death tax" is clever, but ultimately fatal. Of course we may all work at Walmart, eventually. The idea that we can't have social security,and that we spend too much on it, is also a clever idea, politically, but it just isn't true. I've been to France, it's a lovely place, it's also amazing that conservatives use it as a political tool, why? Mitt was in France for two years and speaks French, don't tell anyone, I'm sure he won't bring it up until after November.

Stan Gibilisco

The socialist candidate in France (and I guess that really means socialist!) has proposed a 75-percent bracket for the super-rich in that country.

Sort of like what we had back in the years of the Eisenhower administration.

Quite a boom on upscale housing in London right now, so I hear. Even the French have their limits, apparently at a threshold somewhat below what we had in, say, 1958 when the American middle class reigned ascendant.

Eli Blake

There are other issues besides the economy that matter, however. Sarkozy's first thing he did when elected was to reverse the policies of his predecessor, Jacques Chirac, and endorse George Bush's war in Iraq. Since then France has taken a very hawkish position, operating behind the scenes in numerous countries around the globe and advocating for armed military intervention in Libya (where France participated) and elsewhere.

It may simply be that some French are sick of French soldiers returning from Afghanistan in boxes and the stench of neo-colonialism.

Maybe not the #1 issue in this campaign but it would be foolish to think that voters are not asking questions about whether reviving France as a regional and to a lesser extent, world power is affordable.

Ken Blanchard

Stan: good comment. Hollande models himself after Mitterrand. The latter came into office as a socialist and had to retreat. Well, what are the French for?

Eli Blake: I see no evidence that foreign policy is much on the French mind. Like everyone else in Europe, they are wondering who is going to pay for the next baguette.

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