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Sunday, December 25, 2011


Donald Pay

I don't think anyone laments the death of the Soviet system. What they wonder, though, is whether an evolutionary, rather than a revolutionary process would result in longer term stability. It's something to consider as the Middle East is going through a similar process now, as North Korean changes dictators and as China evolves slowly.


You missed this one from The Times (UK):

"North Korea, for all its faults..."


larry kurtz

World literacy rates:

Cuba: #2
The United Snakes of Amerika: #45

larry kurtz

oops, my error. USA: #20


I'm with you, Ken. The collapse of the Soviet Union was one of the most thrilling moments of my life. To suggest it should have happened any other way is just silly. To suggest Havel was supposed to look on the bright side of the oppressive regime that tried to break him is equally absurd.

Ken Blanchard

Donald: read the quote from the Neil Clark in my post again and tell me what part of it went past you. Then read the quote, also from the Guardian, in DDCSD's comment above. Then tell me that no one laments the Soviet System.

Ken Blanchard

Cory: once again we are in agreement. The system that, in Clark's words, "put the needs of the majority first" for some reason found it necessary to keep the majority in with an electric fence.


"put the needs of the majority first"

The problem here is that....the quote is not even accurate. It did not put the needs of the majority first, because if it had then we would see a strong USSR today.

The Soviets made the same old mistake every Socialist seems to make, and that is, you can not control or change human behavior by force. Sure you can get away with it for awhile, but in the long run, humans must have free will to maintain a civilization.


Dmitry Orlov:Lessons From The Soviet Union http://youtu.be/zrz5ucQACo8

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