I see Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney as somewhat similar candidates. Their strengths and weaknesses lie in largely the same areas. Both are experienced Republican governors who have seen some success. Huntsman notably managed to secure an 88% approval rating in 2006. Both have been accused of flip-flopping, although Romney’s flip-flopping has been on social issues like abortion and gay marriage and Huntsman’s turnarounds have been on economic issues like cap and trade.
Perhaps the biggest obstacle Romney faces to winning his party’s nomination is his own record. Meanwhile, perhaps the biggest obstacle Jon Huntsman faces, is overcoming his ties to the Democrats. Huntsman served as President Obama’s ambassador to China, but he has been quick to point out that he also served under Presidents Reagan and Bush (the first) and then, of course, he has his record as a Republican governor to point to. But today, Harry Reid made Huntsman’s life a little harder by…well…sort of endorsing him. According to CBS News:
Asked today to weigh in on the two Mormons in the Republican presidential primary (Reid is also Mormon), the Senate leader said, "If I had a choice I would favor Huntsman over Romney," CBS News Capitol Hill Producer John Nolen reports. CBS suggests that Reid’s endorsement might have been an attempt to “kill Huntsman’s campaign with kindness.”
That may work. On the other hand, Huntsman did come in second in the straw poll at the New Orleans Republican Leadership Conference (Ron Paul was first).
Good eye, Ms. Flint; a governor will be your party's nominee.
Posted by: larry kurtz | Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at 10:01 AM
Well, if Reid "endorses" Huntsman over Romney, I guess that pretty much is the end of his candidacy IMO. And Romney is no better with his Romneycare, support of global warming, and support of cap and trade.
Posted by: Lynn | Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at 03:45 PM
Thanks, Mr. Kurtz. I'm not ruling anyone out yet.
Lynn: Thanks for your comments. I agree that the Reid "endorsement" is bad news for Huntsman. I am also wary of the two governors. Although it looks like Romney is likely to be the nominee, my vote will probably go to either Santorum or Paul.
Posted by: Miranda | Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at 04:11 PM
If you're a South Dakota resident, Ms. Flint, your choice will have already been made for you long before your state has a relevant primary.
Posted by: larry kurtz | Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at 05:57 PM
"your choice will have already been made for you long before your state has a relevant primary."
That's really not correct.
"A temporary committee of the Republican National Committee (RNC), set up in 2010, recommended a new plan. Under this plan, the traditional states (Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina) would hold their events in February, states' elected delegates proportionally could hold their events in March, with winner-take-all states and any other remaining states holding their events from April onward. The amendment was passed in August 2010 by the full RNC by a vote of 103–41."
Posted by: Jimi | Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 04:51 PM
It's correct until recommendations become policy.
Posted by: larry kurtz | Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 10:21 PM