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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


larry kurtz

Good eye, Ms. Flint; a governor will be your party's nominee.


Well, if Reid "endorses" Huntsman over Romney, I guess that pretty much is the end of his candidacy IMO. And Romney is no better with his Romneycare, support of global warming, and support of cap and trade.


Thanks, Mr. Kurtz. I'm not ruling anyone out yet.

Lynn: Thanks for your comments. I agree that the Reid "endorsement" is bad news for Huntsman. I am also wary of the two governors. Although it looks like Romney is likely to be the nominee, my vote will probably go to either Santorum or Paul.

larry kurtz

If you're a South Dakota resident, Ms. Flint, your choice will have already been made for you long before your state has a relevant primary.


"your choice will have already been made for you long before your state has a relevant primary."

That's really not correct.

"A temporary committee of the Republican National Committee (RNC), set up in 2010, recommended a new plan. Under this plan, the traditional states (Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina) would hold their events in February, states' elected delegates proportionally could hold their events in March, with winner-take-all states and any other remaining states holding their events from April onward. The amendment was passed in August 2010 by the full RNC by a vote of 103–41."

larry kurtz

It's correct until recommendations become policy.

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