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Sunday, April 03, 2011


Mark Anderson

You are absolutely right about this film, it puts all the horrible films on the
syfy channel to shame. Perhaps you should have mentioned how cheaply it was made, and that the director made the aliens on his laptop. Here's a good site for the cost and making of the film: http://www.slashfilm.com/how-gareth-edwards-shot-monsters-on-an-incredibly-low-budget/. Really, the film is a treat.


Thanks for the comment Mark. I have heard that the CG effects were done by the director on his laptop. I have a hard time believing it. They were very effective.


Happy Holidays, Marieke, to you and your loved ones! (Typed two days after Chrismas, but still ) Looking forward to sneeig more Monstrous Issues in the new year!


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