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Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Donald Pay

You can't rely on the media to do this sort of research. They are being paid off. All bulk of the Chamber's foreign money is going to the ten or twenty large media chains, and they aren't going to report this.

Here are the facts:



Oh for heaven's sake, Donald. You are starting to sound like a truther. The absence of evidence for your theory is just proof of how vast the conspiracy is.

Donald Pay

Well, had you bothered to read the link you would learn that not one of the reporters contacted ThinkProgress for facts or clarification. They did, however, contact and quote Chamber officials, who proceeded to lie and the lies got printed. The corporate press is protecting corporate interests, not reporting news.

Donald Pay

Well, now we have more information about the jobs lost due to outsourcing in those states where the US Chamber's foreign money drop is going. The candidates being targeted support efforts to revise trade agreements or oppose trade agreements which provide an unfair advantage to foreign companies.


Donald Pay

More info on Chambergate.

This one is interesting. First, the US Chamber's lies are exposed by quoting from the US Chamber's website. Also, US Chamber is running ads attacking the stimulus bill, although it lobbied for the stimulus bill.


More info on the offshoring of US jobs by the foreign companies donating to the US Chamber's ad campaign.


George Mason

Donald; You are so easily manipulated. Obama has the resources to produce any concrete evidence. He has not. This is just more of the blatant dishonesty we have come to expect from this administration. Bob Schieffer (BOB SCHIEFFER!!!) didn't even buy it. If the Republicans want to get nasty about this their first order of business come January should be to investigate the foreign donations made to the Obama campaign through the use of anonymous credit cards in 2008.

Donald Pay

Pffff. I think the investigation has begun. We're going to see some serious criminal indictments coming out of Chambergate.


Donald, if there are any indictments coming out of "Chambergate" they will be brought against those making these unfounded, unsubstantiated accusations.

The sites you're linking to are nothing more than propaganda coordinated by the most extreme elements of the left.

Donald Pay

Pfff. The information is coming right off the Chamber's website and from people inside the Chamber. Roll another one, William.


No thanks Donald, you're smoking enough glaucoma medication for both of us...

Bill Fleming

While we wait for proof that thinkprogress is right, I'd like to see a show of hands here as to how many would condemn the Chamber if what they're being accused of is in fact correct.

Notice Don's and my hands are already raised. How about the rest of you? Do you advocate for transparency here? If there are foreign dollars going to influence our elections, do you think we should at least be entitled to know about it? Don't you think the stockholders of the corporations should?

On a related matter, did any of you see how the stockholders of News Corp when they found out what he and the board were doing with their money. I think there's going to be a lot of that in the upcoming year. I don't think the American public will put up with all the deception and secrecy. At least I hope we won't.

Bill Fleming

Above: "...how the stockholders of News Corp REACTED..." Sorry.



We're in agreement on the transparency issue. I have no problem with "special interest groups" contributing to campaigns, I just want to know who they are.


Incompetent dishonesty from Herseth Sandlin or at least her staff sending out letters that federal laws don't have to be followed. Huh?
Google the honorable Staphanie Herseth Sandlin

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