Professor Schaff, who used to blog here, has not completely faded from the public eye. He and I are doing a biweekly TV show from the Northern Campus. We comment on national and local politics, and we interview politicians when we can get them.
The show is strictly non-partisan, political science and public information stuff. You might find it occasionally interesting. On our first show we discussed the upcoming national elections and interviewed Aberdeen's Mayor, Mike Levsen. On our second show Jon and I discuss local races without a guest. Our third show, which will air very soon, we interview two candidates for the District 3: Incumbent Republican Al Novstrup and Democratic challenger Allen Hoerth. We hope to have candidates for our at large U.S. House seat in the Future.
Spotlight@Northern can viewed on Midco channel 12 in the surrounding area. The show repeats everyday at 10am, 2pm, and 9pm. Online clips are supposed to be available soon, but the link doesn't seem to be working yet. Check out this link.
On a similar note, Northern State University used to have an FM radio station. A group of us at NSU are trying to start that up again. It will probably be, at first, an internet only station. I have been asked to do a jazz show, and I said, well, I don't know, yes! Long time readers of this blog (there are such people!) will recall that I used to do frequent reviews of jazz music. I moved that to a second blog a few years back. The online jazz show will replace that.
Watch this space. I will keep you posted.
I'm sold already, being a fan of both Hoerth and Novstrup. Good luck!
Posted by: Miranda | Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 12:51 AM
Internet radio from NSU? Great idea! Put together something fun like my favorite Canadian station, CKUA, and I'll tune in. SDPB is foolishly cutting into my evening jazz time again, so I'll be happy to have another good South Dakota outlet for music.
Posted by: caheidelberger | Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 08:12 AM
Cool that you're into Jazz, KB. I have family in the trade. Just want to make sure you know about them:
Jeni and her husband (my son Jake) are just finishing up a few new jazz albums at their studio, "The Shed" in Bozeman.
Especially exciting should be Jeni's new one, and that of bass player friend Kelly Roberti.
Stay tuned. I'll send more when I know more.
Posted by: Bill Fleming | Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 01:50 PM
Bill: Thanks for sharing these links! The music is lovely.
Posted by: Miranda | Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 04:49 PM
Hello PoitIcal TV & Radio Jazz . I write songs about prevalent issues in the world and produce concerts that give back to world community .
This song is dedicated to Corporate America . If you like it please click Like and tell your friends :)
You Got To Give Back
Posted by: Mickey Carroll | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 at 07:35 PM