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Saturday, September 25, 2010



I don't know! I thought he fit right in!


This was also a means of obscuring the very serious testimony of Mr Chris Coates about the voter intimidation on election day 2008 in Philadelphia by the New Black Panther Party and the prejudicial Obama DoJ decision not to prosecute those clowns. I was surprised to see that the Coates testimony actually made the front page of today's Washington Post. Amazing. Supposedly C-SPAN televised the hearing (I watched it on PJTV). Here's a significant quote by Mr Coates from the Post story: "I had people who told me point-blank that [they] didn't come to the voting rights section to sue African American people," said Coates, who transferred to the U.S. attorney's office in South Carolina in January. "When you are paid by the taxpayer, that is totally indefensible." And while that was ongoing, the MSM focus on the antics of this jackass Stephen Colbert. Guess they're catering to obviously uninformed Americans who voted for this lousy president.


I must have missed some of it when I watched it online. I thought there were a few chuckles, but funny? Sorry, that guy was not funny today. I would give him a slightly amusing. I have seen him be funny, but this was not his A-game.


Miranda: maybe that's the trouble.

dhm: The press is resolutely ignoring the Coates testimony. Go figure. If the Republicans control the House, it will come back.

Dugger: Colbert was indeed a bit off his game. He stumbled reading his text. But the text was very funny.

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