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Sunday, July 11, 2010



Agreed: journalism would be better if journalists could just come clean and speak as full citizens with vested interests in the good of the society. objectivity is a charade. I'd rather know the biases of my reporters and be able to evaluate their reporting accordingly rather than sifting through the pretense of neutrality.

Besides, even though I haven't watched CNN for a while, I remember Octavia Nasr. She's one of the few non-bubbleheads on TV news. I'd rather listen to her serious explanations of the Middle East than the empty banter of the pretty faces on the news-coich any day.

Latimer the Cat

Why do you call them "conservatives" when they're merely zionist establishment flunkies trying to "conserve" the foundational mythology and lies of the current usurping immoral and unlawful order?


Tsk tsk, Latimer. You;ve been skipping your meds again, haven't you?

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