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Monday, June 21, 2010


Stan Gibilisco

"So here is the question before us: is the massive spending we are doing right now contributing more to investment or to consumption?"

=> In my opinion, the question should go like this:

"Is the massive spending we are doing right now doing more long-term damage to investment or to consumption?"

I would say just about equally both. The current track, if not soon reversed, leads off a cliff into an economic malaise that will endure for the rest of our lives, and possibly also our children's and grandchildren's lives.

Within a few years, the "small people" will have nothing to invest and nothing to spend on consumption either.

I just finished reading a book by a 20th-century mystic (Osho -- gotta love it!) who said that the socialist methodology did not do a very good job of "spreading wealth around," but did an excellent job of "spreading poverty around" ...

... and I do believe that the current administration, with their professed determination to "spread the wealth around," wants to impose socialism in the United States by any (hopefully non-violent) means necessary.

In the end, we'll all be just about equally poor. Except the people in power, of course.

Donald Pay

Here's an idea. Since you brought up how great it was after WWII, let's go back to the levels of taxation we had after WWII.

Donald Pay

Let's tease apart this sentence: "It wants to make cheap energy more expensive, and spend the money on green energy that has no realistic possibility of contributing to actual production in the short term."

First, why is "cheap energy" cheap? It's cheap it externalizes most of its costs, and depends on huge government subsidies, some direct and some indirect. If oil, coal and nuclear had to account for the costs of all externalities and lost all its subsidies it would hardly be "cheap" and renewables would be very competitive.

Second, is the phrase "short-term." Turning around our energy system is a long-term project. No one is talking about replacing everything immediately. Efficiency measures are available, price competitive and can be taken immediately. The major hurdle is financing of millions of small projects. Wind is very competitive right now, and under a system that fairly prices all alternatives, wind and solar would rapid be the source of choice from a cost and environmental standpoint. Distributed energy and cogeneration are cost competitive right now.


How does one get a system that "fairly prices all alternatives" without subsidizing those alternatives which are currently considered unfairly priced (by whoever the fairness judge might be)?

Seems a bit tautological to claim that with fair pricing things will be (or already are) cost competitive.



You rail endlessly about the massive subsidies to the oil business. Do you have any data to quantify that? In South Dakota you are paying over 42 cents per gallon in taxes on gasoline. The evil folks running BP paid $8.4 billion in taxes last year, and that is without considering the taxes paid by their employees.

I would be very curious to see any facts that demonstrate that the oil economy is so heavily subsidized that it more than offsets these taxes and is a net negative to the government. I suspect such facts do not exist and that you are merely repeating another ficticious mantra the left has conjured up to support the narrative.

On the other hand, it is clear that the wind and solar industries owe their existance to the public weal.


Donald: I am sorry, but on the main point you are clueless. The only way that oil can be made cheap by "externalizing" its costs would be if wealth were diverted to the oil industry from other sources. That is in fact what happens with wind power and solar power, not a spark of which would be generated without massive government subsides. Wealth generated by oil and gas subsidizes wind power. If oil and gas were similarly subsidized, where would the wealth come from? Angels? Hogwarts?

Oil, coal, and natural gas are cheap because they are cheap. What flows out is worth a lot more than it cost to get it. These are obvious facts. You can't have a rational energy policy without recognizing them.


Economics function at two levels. At the macro level there is the matter of how much corn is being grown - how much does the country as a whole have to consume.

At a lower level is the question of the distribution of the corn - how we decide how much each person in the country gets to consume ... on a free enterprise basis such that the distribution is based on your contribution to creating the corn, or having the government sieze all of the corn and redistribute it equally among everyone regardless of their contribution.

In our national battle over the distribution question we are killing off our ability to create a big pile of corn. Liberals like Donald see everyone growing corn as inherently evil and undeserving, and are hell-bent on making corn growing so burdensome that fewer people are willing to invest their resources in growing it. The greedy 'free-marketeers on the right are equally hell-bent on getting America out of the corn business and sending all of our national wealth to China and India where people will grow corn for near slave wages, yielding a fantastic return for the corn investors on Wall Street, but at the expense of draining our national wealth.

We all sit in the middle working in 'service' jobs that do not create corn, living on money that we have borrowed personally and through government borrowings, fighting with each other over how much corn each of us should get with our borrowed money.

Unless we collectively stop killing the goose that is laying the golden ears of corn, the matter of taxes, government and distribution will soon be moot. There will be nothing left to tax and distribute.

Donald Pay

I like the way BillW gets things totally wrong in just about everything he says. Actually I have several relatives who grow corn, and my mom rented out her Iowa land for corn/soybeans until I inherited it. I sold it to my corn-growing uncle.

Because of my extended family's farming background I pay a lot of attention to ag issues. The real issue here is not that corn growing has been made burdensome by people like me. It is actually far easier to grow corn in the industrial way than it is to engage in the kind of integrated family agriculture that my mother grew up with, and which I, as an agricultural conservative, prefer. Corn and soybeans have been highly subsidized by government, partly because agribusiness corporations have a lot of power and they pretty much dictate farm policy, which determines not only what is economic for farmers to plant, but also what methods are economic to use to plant and harvest it. So, thanks to BillW for subsidizing my uncles. I love all my cousins, and they will get to inherit BillW's money.

Corn, by the way, is really the lazy man's crop. Plant the seed, pour on some chemicals in the spring. Spray if necessary. Harvest in the fall. Lots of time for fishing in between. One uncle used to say he spent more time "farming the tax system" than he spent in the cornfields.


Donald: despite our frequent clashes, we agree on a lot. "Farming the tax system" is indeed a lot of farming these days. Maybe that means that government is sometimes a bad influence in the economy? Likewise wind power is a technology for turning wind energy into tax breaks and government subsides.


Here I thought KB was using corn as a metaphore for the economy. Now I find out, much to my chagrine, that both KB and Donald understood that this post was actually a very narrow discussion of the corn business.

You are absolutely right, Donald. Agriculture is the most heavily subsidized, clsest to socialistic area of the United States economy, and I have no doubt that you are a big proponent of taking everyone's money and giving it to farmers.

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