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Friday, June 04, 2010


Donald Pay

Well, of course. It's mostly greed, and greed afflicts the poor and the wealthy, and even those of us in the shrinking middle. What matters, of course, is which crimes society actually sanctions. We lock up the guy who robs the bank, but the bank president who robs from the people through deception escapes justice. In fact, they get bailed out in the literal and figurative sense, and receive bonuses. The guy who robs the corner gas station is put in the slammer. The oil company exec...well, we'll see what happens with the BP oil spill, but precious few people who rob us of our clean environment do any time. Sometimes the crooks run the show--I'd put Cheney in that category. Tax cheating, of course, is a bipartisan crime. Our culture tends to honor the rich thugs with more benefits. We lock up the ones who can't afford high-priced defense attorneys.

George Mason

Poor Donald has a serious case of BDS. The sufferers rave on about criminality among their political opposites and yet they can never provide any evidence. Here we are 10 years on from the onset of BDS among the loony left and still waiting for something concrete. The poor souls believe that if the just keep up a mindless repetition of their rants they will some how become true. Maybe Donald can sit down and have a long talk with his banker.
On the more serious topic the prime motivator behind violent crime for the last 40 years has been the drug trade. The FBI in years past has attributed a large percentage of the murders committed in this country to the illegal drug trade. If you want to attribute that to greed you may have something.

Donald Pay

Glad you brought up drugs. You can see the difference in who gets penalized for similar behavior in the drug trade right in Pierre, South Dakota. There was a huge problem with drugs in Pierre before, during and just after the first Janklow administration. Tough as Janklow was on law and order issues, it didn't seem to filter down to putting the upstanding Republican bureaucrats in jail. Most of the problem centered around people in state government, so to clean up the problem Governor Mickelson had state funded treatment plans for those people. I kinda think that didn't happen for others.


Just know the difference between a politician and a statesman.

A politician only thinks to the next election while a statesman thinks to the next generation.

Seen any good statesman lately?

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