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Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Michael (Constant Conservative)

Well put, sir. Well put.


On board the ship were five Germans, including two members of the German parliament ... just what the world needs: Germans allied with terrorist states bent on the destruction of the Jewish state.

Could Obama possibly be any weaker in foreign policy than he has been? Does the Unites States stand for anything with this guy in charge?

George Mason

Please consider that this little fleet is a stalking horse for more nefarious purposes. If those involved can force Israel to allow the delivery of teddy bears by embarrassing Israel in front of the world it will open a far more efficient avenue for rearming HAMAS.

Douglas Wiken

What does Obama strength or weakness have to do with this issue?


Douglas, if you really don't know what Obama's policy vis a vis Israel, the Palistinians, Iran and the rest of the anti-Israel middle east has to do with this issue then I can't help you.


In all fairness to the President, he has been unusually supportive of Israel in this business. This may or may not be merely strategic. I think he is worried about going all Jimmy Carter on us right now. He probably wants to look tough. But taking the right position is taking the right position.

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