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Tuesday, June 08, 2010



Sold! If it's half as good as the BBC series, it'll be well worth the watch!

Donald Pay

I'm not sure how Robin Hood would tie into the Magna Carta. Most versions of the legend have Robin Hood as a yeoman, which is a couple rungs down the social ladder from the magnates who pushed the Magna Carta on King John. (King John, by the way, pretty much ignored it, and it was watered down over the years.) The magnates of the time were pretty much like CEOs of financial institutions in ours. They might not actually elect the King, but they continually curried favor or plotted to gain maximum advantage for themselves. The Magna Carta was far from a call for universal suffrage. It was more of a document that would shift a bit of power over to themselves. They didn't care at all about the rights of the Robin Hoods of the world.


Miranda: I don't know the BBC series. This one was worth a watch.

Donald: I agree with pretty much everything you say. In this film, Robin Hood is a yeoman. He is more or less conscripted to take the place of a nobleman. That is one way of reconciling otherwise irreconcilable legends. Yes, powerful corporate bodies, like Microsoft or SEIU or the House of York, try to influence government on their behalf. That's called politics.

I also agree about the Magna Carta. It was a bill of rights for noble families, not for individual men and women. European liberalism has always been more corporate than American liberalism. That is what I meant when I said that Robin's language in the film was very American.

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I have seen this movie so many times. this is my favorite movies. i just love reading such kind of articles. Thanks for sharing your views.

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