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Monday, June 28, 2010



If NYPD would catch the suspects, they woldun't have to wander around staring at women, judging them, and trying to scare them so much.For decades, at least, women have been blamed for their own attacks they were too sexy , provocative , etc. and even in the courts, lawyers have claimed that rapists were just responding to these terrible women's blatant come-ons . The truth is that if a man isn't able to control himself and becomes violent at the mere sight of a woman, in any garb whatsoever, then that man is an animal in need of elimination for the safety of society. And make no mistake rape isn't sex, it is violence.But I do find myself wondering: would NYPD recommend hijab, then? After all, look how well that works for the women in the Middle East who are raped, and then put to death by their own families? /sarc

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