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Sunday, May 09, 2010



It is Patton not Paton which was a 1970 war film about U.S. General George S. Patton...


Ha...that would be Patton.


Back in school, I'm doing so much laenring.


that, it is funny how you did without a dvd pleyar for so long. I had one and always watched movies, but circumstances changed and I got rid of it. I haven't had a dvd pleyar for ovr a year now. Guess what? My husband and I were just talking about it the other night and we decided to go out and get another one. To answer your question about movies, geez, that's hard because I love so many of them. The last one that I saw (on a plane)was Blinside. What a great movie!! Definitely a keeper. My all time favorite movies are, The Godfather (both 1 and 2), I even like Godfather 3 because of Andy Garcia . I also like The Green Mile, My Cousin Vinnie, Beaches, Thelma and Louise. ENough of that. All I can say is ENJOY!!!


donna ryanMay 17, 2010we watched this on pay per view yerdastey .its complicated with merryl streep and alec baldwin..it was cute some scenes werent things I may have wanted to be in a room with mom on though it had an interesting ending however .its worth watching im glad I didnt pay $12.00 to see it in the movie theater though ..

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