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Saturday, April 03, 2010


Stace Nelson

Currently, there are only two groups of people that are by law to receive affirmative action under federal statutes. Handicap individuals and disabled veterans. The sad truth of the matter is though that those two groups receive only lips service under those statutes without any real noticeable enforcement or benefit from enacted law. Meanwhile, federal agencies enact policies to monitor and aggressively pursue internal affirmative action programs to benefits minorities regardless of any historical discrimination in an attempt to chase statistical race employment disparities. The consequence of that are official acts of discrimination against nonminority employees in the name of promoting “equality.” The difference is, because the nonminorities are not of a protected minority status, they often have no status under the law to bring grievance or seek redress when they in turn are discriminated against. In 2010, there is no place for affirmative action in America. Aside from the first two groups, let an applicant, student, etc., be judged on their own merit without a finger on the scales.

SJ Wilcher

Actually, Executive Order 10925 signed by President Kennedy in 1961 was the first order that required federal contractors to have affirmative action: "The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." President Johnson issued Executive Order 11246 in 1965 and assigned enforcement of the order to the Secretary of Labor. Gender was added as a protected category in 1967. The reason for these orders should be obvious. This nation was and continues to be faced with discrimination in the workforce as in society as a whole. In the past year, more than 90,000 charges of discrimination were filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The orders require nondiscrimination; eliminating the barriers to opportunity from the entry level to the executive suite. It is not preferences that the orders require, but equal opportunity. To gloss over this point is to ignore history. Affirmative action ends preferences that some have enjoyed for centuries. It levels the playing field for men and women alike and for minorities and nonminorities. White women have benefited most from affirmative action. I agree that individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans have not gained as much from affirmative action programs, because the Executive Order regulations require employment data not available for the disabled and only barely for disabled veterans, but the Obama Administration has taken a strong stand in favor of enforcement for these groups.
To learn about affirmative action, go to www.affirmativeaction.org.

Stace Nelson

@SJ An Executive order is not federal law and cannot supersede federal law. I do agree though that discrimination is active in our country; however, affirmative action now facilitates that. To that end, the Supreme Court has ruled against affirmative action.

I have argued cases in front of the EEOC, and received settlements. In roughly 93% of all EEO complaints, the complainant receives NO satisfaction. Those statistics would not support your claims, although I would concede the EEOC is near an impossible venue for any complainant to receive justice.

Again, only handicapped persons and disabled veterans are by law to be afforded affirmative action.

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