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Thursday, April 15, 2010


George Mason

KB old boy allow me to simplify further. Government cannot create wealth it can only destroy wealth. The greater the wealth the government extracts from the citizens the less opportunities for the citizens to create wealth. Ultimately this not only makes the country poorer but less free. We are approaching a time when the government will consume 50% of our nations wealth. When that occurs we will no longer be a free people we will be slaves.

Stan Gibilisco

We are headed toward a society controlled more by the public sector and less by the private sector. This change may offer us somewhat more fiscal stability, but will drag down our economic performance.

Within a few decades, China and India will lead the world economically, and we'll lag behind along with Europe. I cannot say, however, that I'd rather move to China or India even then.

In light of the current scenario in Greece, one might argue that even the European model can provide no guarantee against economic demise. You don't pay your bills, and sooner or later the devil will come a-knockin'.

I found an excellent piece on the CNBC Web site:


I think that this little article tells it all. As the raindrop goeth, so goeth the storm. Until we can "get our stuff together" in an individual as well as a collective fiscal sense, things can only get worse until we are figuratively eating our own livers to survive.


George: I think you are a little bit harsh on government. It consumes wealth but also protects the conditions under which wealth is created. It also kills Nazis. But I certainly agree that Government can become a drag on the economy, hence my 'seed corn' metaphor.

Stan: Both India and China have immense obstacles to surmount before they take charge of the world economy. India looks like a better bet than China. China's one child policy has put them in the same demographic sinking ship as the rest of the developed world, without as much development.

Thanks to both of you for the comments.

George Mason

KB; You are correct up to a point. That point is reached when the government creates the conditions where Nazi's (or Communists) become attractive and can take over the government. At the moment we are on a trajectory towards financial collapse (a condition where the radicals may gain power). We Americans are fortunate that every 2 years we can accomplish a major political change in our government. The question then becomes will we accomplish true change by electing people willing to reduce the rate of government spending and the overall size of the government.

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