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Wednesday, March 17, 2010



Just wondering, does anyone know if South dakota is one of the few states where one could start a petition to recall a Senator or a Representative to Congress? Apparently, Mr. Johnson , who has served for many years , is a leading supporter of the Obamacare nightmare. He pays no heed to the fact that most South Dakotans do not want this overhaul of the health care system, We certainly do not want the political behind closed door treachery of Pelosi, Reid and Obama. Mr. Johnson apparently doesn't care anymore what his constituents in South Dakota think. He , along with former Senator I drive my own car Daschle , have succumbed to the theory that they know what is best for us. Time for him to start enjoying retirement.


None of this matters. When the Republicans were in control with Bush, we ran up the biggest defficits in U.S. history and the debt exploded even more. When the Republicans get back in control they will, as usual, break their promises and continue the same garbage the Democrats are also involved in. I've seen this dog and pony show my entire life...government continues to grow and spending continues to grow no matter who is in power. Elections make no difference.


As they say, with time and age comes wisdom...I now know what my parents were talking about all those years when I tried to convince them that "things would change," and "things would be different" when the Republicans won. Yah, I fell for that garbage from Reagan to W. Bush and the so-called Republican Revolution. ahhhh yes, my parents were correct all along and ahhh yes, with time and age come wisdom.....


nobama: To my knowledge, South Dakota is not one of the 18 states that allow for the recall of state officials. Even if it was, Tim Johnson is much loved here and would not be vulnerable, I think, to such a move. I would advise against it.

Guard: I sympathize. Republicans ought to be ashamed of themselves for how they spent like drunken sailors when they had the majority. I would only add this: short of sticking your head in the sand, the Republican Party is the only hope for restraining the covetous instincts of big government. They are uniformly standing up for that now.



If you want the Republican Party to be as conservative as you feel it should be, then get active in it. Become a precinct committeeman/woman, attend your county GOP meetings, join the conservatives that ARE in the party and help strengthen it.


I am not going to fall for this garbage. The Republicans are like the Democrats...say things to get elected and then when they are in...keep the status quo. They do it for power and only power. You younger guys will understand after a few more elections. Besides, I place my faith in my Creator, Yahweh, not politicians or a system of government. His Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven...NOT the Republican's will NOT our will...but, only God's Will and politics is not good for the soul if you truly put your faith first in your life.


Guard: you are certainly right to think that the Republicans do not measure up to Yahweh. But given your contempt for both parties, and I think by implication, for all parties, why do you bother thinking about politics at all? Saint Augustine, who was all for Yahweh, had much the same dim view of the City of Man as you do. But he thought, nonetheless, that citizens of the City of God could not afford to withdraw from political life.

Thanks for your comments. You add a very necessary caveat to our reflections here.



I can only speak for myself, but I do not believe God commands man to ignore or simply allow evil free reign. People in good faith certainly disagree on how God commands us to respond and I do not choose to begin a lengthy discussion here, I'll simply add the following to explain my belief.

(James 4:7)
"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

Notice the verse says to first resist the devil, and then he will flee. Resist means you fight, you engage, you take your enemy head on. You don't sit passively by while he continues to attack and beat you down.

Stan Gibilisco


Your comments have really got my brain cells working -- all three of them.

I, for one, will not wait until soldiers come to my house and tell me to get out so that "those less fortunate than me" can move in. If enough people refuse to fight the growing evil among us, Guard, the day may come when soldiers come to your ranch and tell you to get off, so that "those less fortunate than you" can move on.


Miranda Flint

I agree with William.

If you look at the bible, it seems to me fairly evident that from the beginning, God has allowed and expected man to make choices.

You can see that in the Garden of Eden, Cain and Abel's sacrifices, Daniel and his decision to pray despite being thrown into the lion's den and the story of Noah. God rewards those who make the right choices and punishes those who don't. This system of rewards and punishments makes little sense if men are just doing whatever God made them do.


Wow, Guard, what a philosophy. Given your belief, we should be born, breathe, sit in a corner, pray, and wait to die. Sorry, I do not believe that is what God had in mind when he created man. He gave us free will, which we are supposed to exercise in making this world a better place. Our founders believed this and put in place a Constitution to help ensure that our nation would continue to flourish if we would follow his principles. We can't just sit back and do nothing, especially now when our very freedoms are under attack by this out of control gov't. Maybe the Reps weren't perfect, no party is. But compared to the socialist/marxist/power hungry people in control right now, they are great. I refuse to sit by and wait for the gov't to control what I eat, which doctor I can go to, which insurance I can buy, what car I can buy, what or if I can attend a church of my choice, whether I have to pay higher utility rates so the likes of Al Gore can get rich, whether I have to join a union or not, etc. I am a proud conservative, and I hope that the Republican party will return to its conservative roots, because only then will we be able to stop this gov't "hope and change" thingie that the majority of the US doesn't want.


The ways of this world are not of our Lord...for I will not involve myself in politics...my faith remains firm...I do not seek approval from you are any approval from Society...but only from the Lord...Amem.


It is not our will to stop this.. you better read your bibles again because you all fail to understand the message and you all will be decieved as you are being decieved now...you have put your faith in men and political parties...but you do NOT put your Faith in the Lord...His Will be done, not yours...The Lord does not need men to speak for Him...I pray you all find the Truth, because you all turn from it now with the words you just spoken.

Stan Gibilisco

The Lord needs people to speak for Him, now as much as ever. I agree with you, Guard, that "men and political parties," a.k.a. "the world system," will fail us in the end, and God's will shall come to pass. Nevertheless, of my free will I hope to choose my path in accordance with His ways. It is not an easy process nor an easy choice.

Stace Nelson

@Lynn WE have to hold our party responsible. When a RINO pops up, people have to speak loud and clear for the candidate that is not. So many races in the state with not even the minimal amount of candidates running.

@Miranda well said, well said! Spot on!

@Stan According to Marx, first socialism then communism. I have been to Vietnam many times and Cambodia. They are smart enough to be rushing to capitalism while we seek to relearn the mistakes of Cuba, Vietnam, China, Russia, etc... Well said.

@ Guard Wow, very depressing. Do what I did my friend, if you are tired of the same chameleons running for office... get in there and make it so they have to take a stand for something and give the voters a choice. Shame is not in losing, it is in never having tried.

God bless...


Stace...these events continue to unfold and the reality is you, me, none of us are going to stop them from occuring. There is not a thing you can do to stop the Will of God.


Stace, rather than look at what I am saying as "depressing," you need to use it in reaffirming your faith and putting your priorities in your Faith in Him and not the things of the world or you will continue to be misguided, frustrated, and yes..."depressed."

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