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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Stan Gibilisco

In my opinion, this "mess" has the potential to evolve into the greatest test of American ideals since the War Between the States.


Indeed Stan, this "mess" risks exceeding the tipping point in the public's ability to view its Federal government as legitimate.

If this bill passes, the means used to pass it as much as its content risks a backlash perhaps unprecedented in our lifetime (and I'm a boomer).

How many Americans will refuse to comply?

How long does a government exist WITHOUT the consent of the governed?

According to a recent Rasmussen Poll, only 21 percent of American voters believe that the federal government enjoys the consent of the governed.


None of this matters to me because both parties have been involved in entitlement programs and pork spending for their respective states. It's all the same...spend...spend...and spend more than living within our means. The debt has grown astronomically under both parties. It will make no difference for the economy who ever wins or retains control. KB, I use to fall for this crap and get all excited, but, I don't anymore and I don't even care because real life is lived by those who have to live in the real world and concern themselves with issues of whether they can afford to pay the bills. Most do not have the time and luxury to sit around in an university office to discuss the same old games going on in government. Sorry to burst your bubble, but, I had to say it like it was. I come from Montana and most here do not look at life in political prisms because they are too busy living it, working it on the range. In a way, I am very happy I do not involve myself with the gamesmenship of politics because I do not believe it is good for one's faith in Christ and their soul.

Stan Gibilisco

Guard, I envy you.


Stan, after many years of wrestling with the obvious, I finally came to realized that these matters are really out of our control: His Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven...means our will is meaningless. These things occuring now are supposed to happen and no matter what we do, it will not change the course of His Will. Put your Faith in God and NOT men for to put your faith in other men or even yourselves is to have NO faith in our Creator.

Warren Berry

This health care bill is like "Plan 9 from Outer Space": Bad plot, bad acting, and orchestrated by the Ed Wood of American politics: Barack Obama. The Democrats are hoping that this health care bill, like Plan 9, might be unpopular but will become a cult classic.

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