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Thursday, March 18, 2010



Both Republicans and Democrats have assaulted the Constitution for years: Bush and the GOP did it with passage of the soi-called Patriot Act. This act has invaded the "inherrent" right to privacy as ruled by the Warren Supreme Court. Yes, it is true that some degree of privacy was meant to exist by the Founders in order for the other liberties to exist. You can not have the other liberties without a government respecting a degree of your privacy. The Democrats will do it with the passage of the Healthcare Reform Bill and burried in the bill is a small section on RFID implantation. Republicans will eventually support Healthcare Reform because it forces everyone to buy insurance from the few private Insurance Companies left when the law takes effect in 2014....this will all occur after the HUGE SECOND WAVE hits us later this year for the economy as it continues to collapse. So, it does not really matter what we try to do because we have failed to stop this and will continue to fail to stop what is coming. It's basically out of our hands. The nation has turned away from God and no longer "REALLY" AND "TRULY" honors Him. Sure, they do in "lip service." I know, many of you Republicans are going to chastise me for speaking the Truth. you will come on and respond with "we are on the side with God" and "we uphold his principles," but the harsh reality is that none of us do. For "the Ways of the World" are NOT the His ways and many of you have already fallen into that trap of believing otherwise as you are all self-righteous and sanctimonious in your approach and judging others when the Good Lord never gave you that authority. I'll pray for all of you, but, in the end it will be the Lord's Will...Amen....

Stace Nelson

Well said, I disagree on some points; however, well said. Point made in several circumstances. Some carry His banner for personal gain and attention without actual "fear" of our Lord.

In regards to the Patriot Act: the vast breadth of information being transferred in the various medians, even while being glimpsed by intelligence efforts, still provides a level of privacy of being a stick of straw in a monster hay stack. It is kind of like having a patrol car patroling your neighborhood looking for that thief breaking into the house next door and the light from the spotlight casting light in your window.

May the Good Lord keep me ever the humble servant and grant me the success only of serving my fellow man, as per his previous blessings, and protect me from the pitfalls of pride and the distraction of ego. God bless...

Stace Nelson

Post Script: Good luck to Mr. Eastman, California could use such an adept public servant.

A sad statement of affairs that a convicted felon can hold captive the very entity that he has violated.


Stace, yah, a convicted felon who was put in office by who? We have an entire society of convicted felons and if they are not convicted felons...we are all sinners and you are not above anyone else in this World...nor do I claim to be.

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