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Wednesday, March 03, 2010



Silly? You suggest her November vote may have strengthened her campaign, then point out that she's under 50% in the polls. Nelson has already shown the GOP strategy will be to rake her over the coals for voting aye on all the preliminary votes instead of blocking health care reform at every opportunity. Her November vote was futile triangulation. (Actually, I'm not sure that word applies, as it implies seeking a third position that balances two others. She's simply running to the other pole of the axis on this issue.) She'll do more for her electoral chances and her country if she says "yes, sir!" to the President on this one and votes for reform.


Cory: It would indeed have been silly of South Dakota Democrats to oppose or refuse to support RHS when she voted against the House Bill the first time, as that vote didn't affect the outcome. That was my point.

It is not silly to think that her decision to vote no was unwise, which is your point here. Either way she votes, it would probably cost her with some voters. But apparently she has made the call and intends to vote no this time.

It might still be questionable for SD Democrats not to rally to her. All they can accomplish is giving the Republicans another seat in the House. But this time her votes might matter. For Democrats to oppose her now might be unwise, but it wouldn't be silly.


KB: Does SD only have one congressional seat? You are right, that it is a sign tha things are tight if Obama is bringing together the 10 no votes. It will be interesting to see how HS votes on this one.


Erik: Yes, SD has one at large House seat. And yes, it is tight. HS is voting no.

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