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Sunday, February 28, 2010


Stace Nelson

One of the greatest disservices to date, of this administration and the liberal main stream media, is the ongoing vilification and assaults on our intelligence apparatus. Ever since the appropriate imposition of regulatory chastisements of the Martin Luther King, JFK, etc., collection efforts, American intelligence has encumbered itself with regulations and prohibitions to the point that it was hamstrung from being able to effectively collect appropriate domestic intelligence. While the Obama administration portrays our counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence experts as a gun blazing fast moving spur of the moment Jack Bauer type operatives from an omnipotent singular agency, the exact opposite is the truth. We cannot afford to continue maligning our intelligence communities and hope to protect our citizenry from the onslaught of terrorist efforts. Thankfully, the rhetoric of emasculation was not consummated in their opposition to the Patriot Act.

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