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Friday, January 08, 2010



Now that the MSM is getting "thrown under the bus", even they are beginning to turn on Obama. It's not wise to pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel. Is Obama crossing a "bridge too far"?

George Mason

There is more at play here. Obama was supposed to bring everyone together.
The Dems constantly accused Bush of being overly partisan. The reality is that it was Bush's attempts at bi-partisanship, prescription drug benefit, leaving Clintonites in charge of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, retaining Alan Greenspan, e.g. that led to many of the problems we are facing today. Obama has chosen to freeze out the opposition completely. Republicans will not be allowed into the negotiations lest they apprise the populace of the intent of Reid-Pelosi. This is not something the MSM is outraged about. The media is not even outraged over their lack of access. AS Bob Dole would ask: "Where's the outrage?" This is Obama not as "Savior" but as Borgia Pope.


I agree with William that irritating the Press poses risks, even for Obama. George may be right that Bush contributed to many of the problems we now face, but this looks simpler to me. It just means that promiscuously making promises is not risk free.

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