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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


George Mason

Kb; First a point of correction, it is "hoist with ones own petard." A petard is similar to a hand grenade. To "be hoist" is to be blown up. You and everyone, besides Scott Brown, believed this was a safe seat for Obama. This is a lesson for Democrats and Republicans alike. The Dems just learned that they are not universally loved. The Republicans had better learn that freedom is still a
potent issue, even in places like Massachusetts. This election was a repudiation of the political bribery and regulatory overreach that the Obama administration and their minions in congress have attempted.


KB: To say that the Democrats are contemptous of public opinion is a bit much. Obama was elected on a mandate to reform health care and is trying to fulfill that promise. Let's contrast the with Bush the Younger, who in face of public disapproval, kept on going in the Iraq War.


George: Thanks for the correction. I have corrected accordingly. I actually looked that one up and got it wrong.

Erik: you make a fair point. Sometimes a President has to do what he thinks is right in spite of public opposition. See Obama on Afghanistan. It would have been all but impossible for Bush to simply pull out. Obama hasn't been able to do it either. Moreover, Bush was reelected in spite of public doubt about Iraq. See: mandate.

But Congressional Democrats are not in a similar position. They do not have to pass these HC bills now. Scott Brown won in part by promising to be the 41st vote against the bills. Put the tea party movement and the polls behind that, and it is pretty clear where public sentiment is. Pushing ahead with a radical reform of the American health care system in the face of majority opposition is not the same as not disengaging from a war in which we were deeply invested.

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