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Saturday, January 16, 2010



It's probably a stupid question, but one wonders why Coakley assumed the seat was hers. It easy to understand why a long time incumbent might come to that conclusion, but as Coakley has never held the seat, it seems a little strange.


Good question, but I think the answer isn't difficult. She was the Democratic nominee, and assumed that Massachusetts was a safe Democratic seat. She also had the Beacon Hill establishment behind her as well as the Kennedy clan, and figured that they owned the seat. There was good reason, only a few weeks ago, to assume that she couldn't lose.

What was dumb was for her to act like she assumed the seat was hers. That, as much as anything else, may have cost her the election.


This race in Massachusetts will be a referendum from all Americans. How can a soldily Democratic state turn from its decades long history? The people of Massachusetts will pay dearly for Obamacare, especially considering they have their own system in place. But I hope they understand that all Americans will pay for a system that will reduce care for the elderly and make regular blue collar Americans pay for the cadillac plans of the unions, and medicare for some state but not all.
Even if Brown wins, who says he will keep his word. If Obama can so easily break all of his promises, what does that say for a junior state senator.
Ethics have been thrown out and I am really beginning to question who we can trust.
In my less paranoid moments I have faith in my neighbors and all the American people to stand up for what is right and fight viciously against what is so wrong with our current political heirarchy.
I fear that no one is listening and that without a violent revolution we might not have a chance to protect our Constitution.
If intimidation and fraud is documented by video or other means in Massachusetts do you really think the DOJ will do anything about it?
We need healthcare reform but this current bill doesn't even come close.


While it was the name of the collection of President Coolidge's speeches, he took that name from perhaps his most famous speech, the one he gave upon being installed as the President of the Massachusetts State Senate. And that is definitely worth a read.



Deborah: I agree that this legislation is a big mess. I am guessing that Scott Brown has saved us from it.

Jonk: I guess now I am going to HAVE to read it. Thanks for the tip.

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