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Thursday, January 14, 2010



One of my favorite stories of "the good old days of civilized politics" is the 1914 story of Senator Thomas P.Gore. When a farmer accused Senator Gore of selling out the Democratic party, Senator Gore bashed him on the head with his cane.

Here's that story!


And one can hardly argue that tea-party goers are less civilized than the protesters of the 1970s or their opponents. Was Kent State civil?

If anything, politics in America has lost its flavor. There is too much apathy.



I hadn't heard of the Gore story. It reminds one of the more famous assault by Preston Brooks on Charles Sumner in 1856. I share your skepticism that politics is less civil today than in earlier times.

George Mason

We are forever thankful that Gary Hart and his "Monkey Business" never landed in the White House. His is another example of the lefts belief that freedom of speech belongs only to those who agree with them.


Let us not forget Alexander Hamilton vs Aaron Burr. I for one am in favor of more pistol duels!


George: yes, Gary Hart's boat trip is one sign of God's grace. JW: unfortunately, Aaron Burr killed the most competent statesman in America.

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