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Wednesday, November 04, 2009



Democrats also won two House races Tuesday. Both candidates supported health care reform including a public option. One won (please excuse keyboard stutter) in a long-standing Republican district.

Democrats, as you say, were less enthusiastic than Republicans in the two gubernatorial races. From this, you conclude the safe bet for congress is to back away from health care reform. But one reason the Democratic House candidates won was their support of reform. And the reason a lot of Democrats sat out the races in NJ and Virginia was lack of enthusiasm because a Democratic congress seems to be dithering over reform. So just maybe the better bet is for Democrats to quit hand-wringing and get on with the process of doing what people expected of them when they were handed overwhelming majorities and the Presidency last fall.


Democrats did win two House seats. One was safe from the start, and the other fell into their hands because Republicans self-destructed. Even then the latter was close, and more people voted against the Democrat than voted for him.

I did not say that backing away from healthcare reform was a safe bet. I just think that, in fact, a lot of Democrats will have a hard time not backing away. Independents switched sides in a very dramatic way in Virginia and New Jersey. Polls consistently register anger and frustration among independents over the Democratic healthcare plans and the exploding deficits. Democrats sticking to their guns will remedy their side of the enthusiasm gap, but if they lose the independents it won't matter.

A year ago Americans voted in big numbers against George Bush. That helps to explain why Barack Obama is constantly blaming all his problems on Dubya. But Dubya is long gone. Obama's campaign was long on vision and very short on actual policy prescriptions. It is not clear what people thought they were voting for when they voted for change. Now that they are finding out, well, see Virginia.

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