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Tuesday, November 03, 2009


George Mason

KB The issue in NY23 will be decided in one year when there will be less
confusion and infighting and the canidates are selected by the people in a
primary. Owens may once again prevail but he will do so by running as fast as he can away from Barack Obama. The big story is in New Jersey where Obama injected himself into the race with the expectation that his presence would pull it out
for Corzine.


KB, it was probably a good choice not to pick the NY -23 race. Virginia was a no-brainer. NJ is one that I found rather interesting. I have to disagree with your analysis about Daggett. According to some of the polls I was reading Corzine actually out-polled Christie when Daggett supporters were asked about a second choice. Those polls suggeset without Daggett it would have been a closer race. But then who knows about polls? What I was reading yesterday exit polls suggested a Hoffman victory.


KB, here's the real poop behind the story being repeated ad nauseum about no Democrat representation since the Civil War. It appears it is only parts of the current 23rd that haven't been represented. Check out this link. Caution, this is for only incurable political geography junkies.


Roger Meyer


Just a minor correction. Democrats have held the governor's chair in Virginia for the past 8 years, not 12. The truly amazing statistic was McDonnel carrying northern Virginia. The GOP also picked up legislative seats in that area. It will not be interesting to follow the special election to fill Cuccinelli's senate seat in northern Virginia. He has had very tough races all along.

Roger Meyer

I should have said it will now be interesting.

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