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Saturday, November 21, 2009



The Democrats have painted themselves into this corner. If they pass their "historic" bill, they will lose. If they fail to pass a bill, they will lose. Which case will be the most damaging to their party? Now, that's the question.

It's quite likely that if the Democrats are able to pass a bill out of the Senate and THEN reconcile a joint bill with the House, that the Republicans will pick up even more seats in 2010 by promising to repeal it.

The public wants changes made to health care delivery, insurance and costs but the more they know about the specific changes being forwarded by the Democratic Party the stronger their opposition is to them.

As is said, the "Devil's in the details" and the details of the Democrats bills are poisonous.


This is really nuts, I think the health care issue is gonna destroy Obama.
Just check out what it says here…


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