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Friday, August 21, 2009


Bob Ellis

My wife and I honeymooned in Yellowstone for a week. What a fantastic place! Even a week wasn't enough to properly see everything.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Gal Yellowstone

Uhm...that's a marmot, not a beaver...really!


A marmot, you say. Well, that sort of explains why it was so far from the water. Thanks, G.Y. You helped me bag my first Marmot! I have never seen a beaver except when it was swimming.

And thanks Bob: Yes it was a fantastic place. I am amending my post to report.

Dan M.

Um...and those are bighorn sheep, not pronghorn antelope.


Awfully big antelopes there Professor. I've never seen horns curve quite like that on the lower animal on a pronghorn! Too bad you didn't get pictures of the woofs. Probably just junkyard dogs.


Beavers and pronghorns? Now I'm thinking the wolves might have been crows!


Ah ... we were in fact looking at a prong horn by the North East gate just before this picture was taken. Oh, and I don't know my ass from oatmeal when it comes to animals. Thanks for all the help!


It doesn't matter if you don't get the animals right. What matters is you were there, you saw them, and most of all, you had a good time and good memories!!


Thanks, HVG. I agree completely. Yellowstone is one of God's great gifts, and I received it in a humble attitude. Given the goofiness of my identifications, I have much to be humble about. But the wolves, by God, were real.

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