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Sunday, July 12, 2009



If South Dakota can be open enough to post the proposed legislation and changes that are made throughout the process, than why can't that be done at the federal level?


Good question, Elisa. Possible answer: at the federal level, there is more scrutiny and therefore more at stake. You just can afford to be so open when whatever you are open about will be examined by an army of journalists.


YAWN...you never have anything good to say about our President....


Mac: When was the last time you said anything good about George W. Bush? In fact,I do have something good to say about our President. I defended his speech on Palestine a few weeks ago.


If your real reaction is a yawn, Mac, I wonder why you keep coming back.
What _is_ worthy of a yawn is Obama's politics. He ran on a slogan of change, but as many have observed: The more things change, the more they stay the same.


YAWN...oh the defense of his Palestinian Speech...like the on thing out of a hundred bad things...whatever...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Obama has champions enough, Mac. It is important to have some criticism.
If you're looking for cheerleaders, you might try Keith Olberman or The Obama Girl.


Actually, I like Keith Oberman...funny, funny, funny guy who is right on the money most of time! I'll have to turn into Countdown tonight for the real scoop. Thanks for reminding me...


Mac: You said that I never say anything good about Obama. I showed that I did, at least once. In fact, I have occasionally defended the President when I thought he deserved it. I am in fact critical most of the time because I genuinely believe that his legislative agenda is a mess. Maybe I am right, and maybe not. But Presidents need critics. That's how opposition politics are supposed to work. They also need supporters. Your approach seems largely reflexive to me, and perhaps that's my bias. But it's not necessarily a bad thing. Bias on both sides adds some needed stability to the political system.

I do notice, however, that you failed to answer my question. Anyway, that's for coming to this site and commenting, even if it puts you to sleep.

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