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Saturday, June 06, 2009



KB, there is at least one "conservative" voice (aside from your own) who is complementary of Obama's Cairo speech, Richard Lugar. Some of his comments can be found here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/bloomberg/20090605/pl_bloomberg/anr10rbcgdeq

I do have at least one quarrel with your assertions which is the notion that "liberals" believe "the problems of the world lie with us" and that a different approach on our part will magically make them go away. The "blame America first" conservative talking point is a miss-characterization of liberal thought and of those currently in charge of foreign policy as is the notion they believe admitting mistakes is the deus ex machina of problem solving.

They certainly recognize the Arab/Israeli conflict, for example, is rooted in centuries-old rivalries and America can hardly be blamed for problems that predate its existence. They also recognize America's approach to the Mideast has had its shortcomings while actions of Mideast countries have also been less than perfect. And they are saying we acknowledge our mistakes and stand ready to put them behind us and move on.
Changing our behavior in that regard is a "new beginning". It won't necessarily solve existing problems, but it won't create obstacles to their resolution either.


"foolhardy or courageous" -- reminds me of Luther's exhortation to "sin boldly." Indeed, if there are parties determined not to communicate honestly (like Kim Jon Il, or whichever offspring takes charge next), then we have no choice but to abandon negotiation and fight.


Very thoughtful post. Actually, I would say that Obama's speech is an example of Wilsonian idealism (which is ironic because Wilson was, among many other things, a southern racist who thought Birth of a Nation was great history). So, yes, this is a test of American liberalism...

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