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Sunday, June 14, 2009



Hooray! A new post!

The value of this gift depends a lot on what bragging rights for being right is worth. I would happily be wrong about...well... just about everything regarding this administration. It would be nice if Wright just had a bad temper and really loved everyone. It would also be nice if Obama could fix the economy. It would be especially nice if he had a high regard for the lives of the unborn. But I guess if we can't have any of those gifts, we'll settle for being right.


"Gift" was obviously written with some irony, but Wright is a buffoon. He is no serious threat to the body politic at large, and does some service by bring pernicious and absurd opinions to light. If Obama agrees with any of this nonsense, that would be serious.

Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the show. The Constitution has weathered worse than this.


I did get the irony and I do agree, although I am not as optimistic.
The constitution will probably last - but what sort of schools will my little ones go to? Will it matter that their mother has Jewish blood? When French DJs have their faces pulled off with forks because of that, seeing similar sentiment in someone once close to the president makes a person nervous.

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