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Friday, March 13, 2009



I agree wholeheartedly: President Obama needs to appoint much less conservative, much more liberal personnel to these key positions.


So this guy, who likes the Red Chinese Government more than the dissidents, who defends Hamas and hates Israel, is a conservative? Just out of curiosity, when you look up at the sky on a clear afternoon, what color is it? Orange? Green with traces of peppermint? If you want to raise the issue of where Freeman's opinions fit on the political spectrum, that's easy. This is standard European left. I agree that it is not usually characteristic of American liberals, but you find it among a lot of Ivy league intellectuals who wish they were European.


It would seem that Ken Blanchard from the great empty center of N. America is the cretin here. Sure he's mad but so is any cretin. Mad enough for war against China? Sure, let's go! Does he speak Chinese? Arabic? Japanese? How about Spanish, French, Hebrew, anything? How's his historical knowledge of the Middle East? Of Iran or Pakistan or Vietnam? Who cares, he's got a mouth and he can shoot it off. Like the guns of the laconic lawmen in the Hollywood westerns of yore. Ever trusting of the movies' simplistic morality and distrusting them damn Marxist Europeans.


I am sure l.c.miller must have his coherent moments. This is not one of them.

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