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Friday, March 06, 2009


A Ha

Let's see. Energy, energy development and clean energy development, construction, etc., along with health care and green industries, have been mentioned as production engines (read "jobs") for the near and far term. This is common sense, not a partisan plot. Someone's got to get that money. How does a near zero emission coal plant in Illinois not qualify? Surely there are politicians and people in South Dakota trying to figure out how to set up a suitable stimulus energy project there. If they succeed, does that mean they are "dirty"? I doubt anyone who gets a job with a new such industry will agree.

Thomas Blakeslee

It was dirty. The plant was killed because it wasn't economical. A real boondoggle. The DOE wanted to spend the money on other projects that might possibly have worked. This is pure pork.


Dear A Ha:

"Clean coal" is opposed by most environmentalists, including Al Gore. This was an earmark, meant to benefit a Senator's state. Nothing more, nothing less.


i work for the Congressional Record, and let me tell you, everyone does this. every single Senator and Congressman, with a few exceptions - as far as i can tell McCain doesn't, and in the House, there are a few, but most notably a guy from Arizona named Jeff Flake. he regularly protests against the pork in all the spending bills...

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