From the AP:
The GF&P said the 180,828 resident and nonresident hunters spent an estimated $219 million during the 2007 season on motels, food, gas, ammunition and other things. The estimated harvest was 2,123,000 birds.
The department based its calculation on formulas from a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service survey in 2006 and adjusted it for an annual inflation rate of 3 percent.
Nonresident hunters outnumbered resident hunters 103,050 to 77,778 in 2007. They also outspent residents better than 4 to 1 - $178.5 million by nonresidents and $40.5 million by residents.
The top five counties in total spending were: Brown, $15.9 million spent, 12,735 hunters; Beadle, $13.6 million, 10,277 hunters; Spink, $11.9 million, 8,921 hunters; Tripp, $9.8 million, 6,545 hunters; and Brule, $9.6 million, 6,804 hunters.
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