The Washington Post has John Thune all the way up the #2 in their John McCain Veepstakes. Conspicuously missing from the list is Louisiana's Gov. Bobby Jindal, about whom there has been much buzz. Here is what the Post has on Thune:
Thune is handsome and articulate and comes across as a moderate, despite his very clear conservative voting record. Thune is also a hero in conservative circles, thanks to his defeat of then-Sen. Tom Daschle (S.D.) in 2004. The one knock on Thune is that he hails from a state that is already well in hand for Republicans.
In other Thune news, he's working with others for flood control legislation for Sioux Falls:
South Dakota Sens. John Thune and Tim Johnson attached language to a Senate bill Thursday that would help the city of Sioux Falls speed up construction of its flood control project along the Big Sioux River and Skunk Creek. (snip)
"We're trying to figure out a way to get this advance funded and sped up so we don't have those 1,600 homeowners facing a flood insurance bill every single year because the federal government said the levies needed to be raised," Thune said.
One things for sure, there is no way you want Skunk Creek overflowing, what with all the skunks and all.
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