See Scott Johnson's discussion of Churchill has a young man, taking his bearings from this piece by Larry Arnn from the Claremont Review of Books.
Rod Dreher has some evidence of the "peak oil" theory. The high price of oil should be spurring new production, but it isn't. Does that mean there is no more oil to be had? In other energy news, Congress seems to be working overtime to keep oil prices high. This is a question for Democrats: if you are really concerned about high energy prices, why do you oppose drilling in ANWR and off-shore and building more refineries? What does this tell John Q. Voter? The Democratic Party cares about high energy prices, but not as much as the environment. That's defensible, but not necessarily popular right now.
I've beaten up John McCain for his proposal to wave the federal gas tax for the summer. Well, here's a McCain proposal I can get behind.
Republican presidential candidate John McCain wants health insurance companies to compete for your business on the open market.
He would offer families a $5,000 tax credit to help buy insurance policies.
"Millions of Americans would be making their own health care choices again," McCain said in remarks prepared for delivery Tuesday at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute in Tampa. (snip)
Under McCain's plan, anyone could get the credit, and those who like their company health care plan could choose to stay in it. The credit would be available as a rebate to people at lower income levels who have no tax liability, Holtz-Eakin said.
To pay for the tax credit, McCain would eliminate the tax exemption for people whose employers pay a portion of their coverage, raising an estimated $3.6 trillion in revenues, Holtz-Eakin said. Companies that provide coverage to workers still would get tax breaks. McCain would also cut costs by limiting health care lawsuits.
Finally, is a college degree overrated? This piece argues it is.
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