The beautiful mess of the 2008 presidential nomination contest proceeds unabated. The Democrats see their fund-raisers getting grumpy over the various proposed methods of re-voting in Michigan and Florida. One proposal for Florida, a mail-in vote, is ripe for disaster. The DNC has no one but itself to blame for this mess: if they just would have given Michigan and Florida half delegates, as the Republicans did, then they would have punished those states for their transgressions without putting the party in peril. Instead it seems Michigan and Florida have played a game of chicken with the DNC, and the DNC is flinching.
Democrat voters can't decide which aggrieved victim candidate will best assuage their liberal guilt. Is it the white woman or the black man?
This Democratic internal bickering may be the only thing saving Republicans from total disaster.
Oh, the unbearable lightness of Barack Obama. If only his crazy pastor had kept his big mouth shut. How does Barack Obama finesse this? Well, you say that Jeremiah Wright is simply like a "crazy uncle" who sometimes says weird things. Maybe, but what if your uncle is an angry anti-American nut who is prone to wild conspiracy theories and who praises racists while he himself seems to view the world in racialist terms? Maybe you put up with him at Thanksgiving, but you otherwise keep him away from your family. Obama, on the other hand, has been a member of Rev. Wright's church for over 20 years. Rev. Wright married the Obamas, baptized their kids, and the Obamas have contributed large sums of money to Rev. Wright's church. Barack Obama got the title of his most recent book, The Audacity of Hope, from Rev. Wright. That's not keeping the crazy uncle at a distance; that's inviting your crazy uncle to live with you. So, as Glenn Reynolds points out, Obama is in a tough position. Either Obama is a strong supporter of an anti-American hater, or Obama has attended the hater's church for 20 years for political expediency. How audacious. Victor Davis Hanson argues that Obama is a standard anti-West radical:
What continues to be so disturbing about the Obama rhetoric is that in the abstract he always talks of utopian brotherhood and idealism, but whenever he devolves into the concrete, we learn that he promotes victimhood, identity politics, and subsidizes both by his presence and his purse racial intolerance and invective.
This is what it takes for conservatives to start wondering if Hillary Clinton might be the lesser of two evils.
Meanwhile, John McCain is in Iraq.
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