The Daily Show with John Stewart is one of the skillfully written political satires this side of Dante's Inferno. I am inclined, in such matters, to think that humor excuses almost anything. But there is an element in the show that I find deeply pernicious.
In a recent episode, which can be viewed here, Stewart reviewed the Democratic presidential contenders answering a question about gay marriage. Now this was like shooting fish in a barrel. I am guessing that all of the Democrats in the debate have no honest objection to gay marriage; but except for Dennis Kucinich, all of those present felt they had to pretend to be opposed to it. That's red meat for the satirist, and Stewart goes for it with gusto. Instead of the fish and barrel metaphor, he compares their answers to bad golf shots, with clips from Caddy Shack to illustrate. Republicans get roasted often enough. On this occasion it was the Democrat's turn. So far so good.
What I find pernicious was the strict political orthodoxy underlying the segment. Stewart makes it perfectly clear that we are all supposed to agree with two propositions: one, that gay marriage ought to be legal; and two, that homosexual orientation is biological in origin. Anyone who might disagree with either proposition is painted as politically if not morally retarded.
Now I happen to agree with both propositions. I am in favor of gay marriage as policy, and I think the evidence is good that male homosexuality, at least, is the result of a genetic predisposition. But unlike Stewart, I don't think that anyone who disagrees with me is an ignoramus. Consider the second proposition: we certainly do not know what causes homosexuality. It is very difficult to establish a genetic cause for any complex human behavior, and it is entirely possible that homosexuality is partly or even wholly due to environmental factors. It might have to do with physical influences in the womb, or more likely with psychological and social influences. These are the sorts of things about which reasonable people may disagree.
The homosexual community is deeply committed to the biological view. But enforcing a political orthodoxy is not the best use of satire. Casting one side as backward and stupid does not, to say the least, promote civil discourse. Stewart likens dissenters to Archie Bunker, but he himself, secure in his opinions without need for reflection, contemptuous of any who do not share them, he is a true disciple of Archie.
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