Perhaps you read that on Sept. 6 Israeli war plans bombed certain targets in Syria. It has not been publicly released what precisely Israel bombed and why. Speculation is that the targets of attack were sites known to be storing nuclear material. Now the Times of London is reporting that Israeli commandos captured nuclear material in Syria earlier this month. As Charles Krauthammer notes, North Korean ships had recently traveled to Syria. According to ship manifests they were carrying cement. Now, why one would ship cement from North Korea to Syria is a bit of a puzzle. It seems almost certain that North Korea is supplying Syria with nuclear material. Let us not forget the Democrat presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich recently appeared on Syrian television suggesting the the Syrian government was a sincere "partner for peace." Kucinich looks like a greater fool every day.
Couple Syria's pursuit of nuclear weaponry with Iran's well known desire to achieve the same goal, and you have a recipe for major conflict in the Middle East. Krauthammer opines that Iranian President Ahmadinejad is openly preparing Iran's many proxy armies (read: terrorists) as a warning to any who oppose its nuclear ambitions. The times in which we live are most interesting.
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